Saturday, September 28, 2013

Artist Spotlight I - 2013

Here is the first taste of the talent that will be contributing to the Month of Fear.

Aaron Miller

Alice Stanne

Anna Christenson

Bryndon Everett

Carly Janine Mazur
Chris O'Neill

And of course our Mistress of Design, who once again created a gorgeous header and background for us:

Jeanine Henderson

Friday, September 27, 2013

Welcome to the Month of Fear!

No other month holds quite the weight of imagery that October carries. The first few breaths of frost, the scent of  damp leaves and burning wood. Naked branches scratching against the window, wind howling in the dark. October is ripe with fuel for the senses... How can we not be inspired?

As a follow-up to Month of Love, Month of Fear is another month-long art challenge but with a darker flavor. Every week there will be a new Fear-themed subject and we will make art in response.

Our first challenge post will be on Tuesday, October 1st with the subject: "What lives under your bed?" We will then post new art throughout the week starting every Monday with a new challenge subject and one more special post on Halloween.

Once again, we have a truly amazing group of artists. Many have returned from the Month of Love and we have some new additions as well. Please follow the links on the right to check out their work.

You can also follow us on twitter at @MonthofFear  and if you would like to participate in the challenges and share your work, please let us know and use the tag:  #monthoffear.

Thanks for looking!

-Kristina Carroll